Price Forecast for El Dorado Wine Grapes for 2017 Harvest
Recently, I've had the chance to focus a bit on the El Dorado AVA. I did work for a client there and also put together a presentation...
The Economics of Growing Wine in El Dorado
Last month, I presented to the El Dorado Winegrowers’ association. The topic of the presentation was the economics and pricing dynamics...
Should Winegrowers Make Bulk Wine?
Latest issue of Wines & Vines has an article from me about how to decide whether or not to make bulk wine, in terms of expected return...
Crush Report Is Out - Here's My Schedule
So, the Crush Report is out now: https://www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/California/Publications/Grape_Crush/Final/index.php. For...
USDA looks to be calculating total crush value in a sub-optimal manner.
Read a great working paper from AAWE: http://www.wine-economics.org/aawe/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/AAWE_WP213.pdf. They make the point...

Bulk Wine Price Volatility vs. Grape Price Volatility
I have an article coming out in Wines & Vines, if it’s not already out. In the article, I look into growers turning to bulk wine...
Will Napa re-plant to varieties other than Cabernet Sauvignon?
Tom Wark recently expressed some hope in his Fermentation Blog that Napa growers who, according to a Wines & Vines article, are going to...

Support Early Childhood Education and Get Great Deals on Great, Rare Wines
My son's preschool is having an auction to raise money. As much as I hate to bring in rival bidders, it's for a great cause, so I...

The Sideways Effect is Ending. Will Merlot Prices Rise?
This, however, is the strongest quantitative evidence, short of surveys or studies of individual buyer behavior, that I can think of indicat
Expert Judgment vs. Statistical Forecasting: Lake County Sauvignon Blanc Update
In August, I had predicted a price of $1300 per ton for Lake County Sauvignon Blanc for 2016. Single-year forecasts are the riskiest...