Quick Take on the Latest Acreage Numbers
The recently-released Acreage Report indicates a 20% increase in non-bearing acreage over last year. That is possibly an enormous jump...

Is El Dorado the Secret Land of Non-Existent Vineyard Labor Issues?
On March 20th, I’ll be speaking to the El Dorado Wine Grape Growers’ Association. They’re a great group – they always have a lot of...

Regional Shares of California's Wine Grape Market by Yields, Acreage and Grape Sales Revenue
My last blog post included a new tutorial video showing how to use the Grape Data Tool to create charts depicting the what share of the...
Using the Grape Data Tool to Assess Market Share by Region
Now and again, it's useful to try to take big picture views of our industry. One thing I like to look at is the way market share shifts...
Fully-Updated, Fully-Functional Version of the World's Best Grape Data Tool is Now Available
As many of you know, several years ago I built out a dashboard for accessing much of the Grape Crush Report and Grape Acreage Report data...
Vineyard Planting Decision-Making Tool
On the face of it, someone may think that choosing what varietal(s) to plant a vineyard to is easy: just pick the one that will make the...
Deflategate, Data and Debate: A Football Scandal as a Learning Opportunity for Winegrowers
WARNING: This post is long, may be offensive to Patriots fans and also includes math. Sometimes little things in this world drive me...
AVA Appraisals: The Best Return on Investment for your Vineyard Operation
I know I haven’t posted anything for quite a while, but I’m still very busy with work. I’m thinking of writing an article about AVA...