El Dorado Probably has Labor Issues, Too
Well, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is at least a little bit less true than you originally thought. After asking for...

Is El Dorado the Secret Land of Non-Existent Vineyard Labor Issues?
On March 20th, I’ll be speaking to the El Dorado Wine Grape Growers’ Association. They’re a great group – they always have a lot of...

Are We Hiring into a Industry-Wide Downturn?
This month’s issue of Wine Business Monthly has a lot of useful information in it. A lot of talk of headwinds up ahead for the wine...

The Three Horsemen of the Grapepocalypse, Part 3: The Rising and Sticky Cost of Labor
I hoped that Part 3 of the Three Horsemen of the Grapepocalypse would be shorter than the wannabe magnum opus I stumbled into last week. Bu

Six Ways to Prevent Deportation of Your Employees
As many of you know, vineyard owners and managers are suffering from a severe shortage of labor. The need to rebuild after the wildfires...
Interested in Protecting your Workforce from Deportation?
Today, the North Bay Rapid Response Network is launching to try to reduce the threat of deportation to local, undocumented residents. ...