The Three Horsemen of the Grapepocalypse, Part 2: The Coming Recession
Three weeks ago, I posted my first installment of this series about the coming Grapepocalypse, which discussed the effects of the...

Female Winemakers in California Are Generally Better Than Their Male Counterparts
I have often lamented the under-representation of women in this business. I have long had the feeling that this under-representation...
Final Crush Numbers In: VFA Got California Winegrape Prices Right for 2014
Final Numbers In – Updates on California Grape Prices To start this blog post off, I want to rewind to the very first post I put up here....
The relationship (or lack thereof) between scores, prices and appellations
Summary: Scores, prices and appellations of wines from a subset of premium wines, continue to be unpredictable. No statistical modeling...
Lake County Cabernet Sauvignon Prices for 2014
The last post was wholly dedicated to Napa Cabernet Sauvignon and was quite bullish for the future. I do want to reiterate that those...
Where are Napa Cabernet prices going?
Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa is the market leader in grape prices and that is not going to change anytime soon. In fact, it will not...
Water, Water, Water pt. 3
In the last two blogs I gave an overview of the current water situation in the state and discussed mitigation strategies for vineyard...
Water, Water, Water, pt. 2
In the last article, I gave an overview of our challenging water situation. This article will discuss tools and strategies for dealing...
Where are Grape Prices Going this Year?
Welcome to UpTack Vineyard Consulting’s blog! The topic of conversation: “Where are grape prices going?” My goal is to regularly post...