Grading My 2014 Napa County Cabernet Sauvignon Acreage Forecast
In 2015, I presented at the Vineyard Economics Seminar. At that point, we only had acreage data through 2014. The presentation was made...
Quick Take on the Latest Acreage Numbers
The recently-released Acreage Report indicates a 20% increase in non-bearing acreage over last year. That is possibly an enormous jump...
The 2018 Acreage Report is Out
Download the USDA-NASS Grape Acreage Report right here. #acreage #data #nass

Regional Shares of California's Wine Grape Market by Yields, Acreage and Grape Sales Revenue
My last blog post included a new tutorial video showing how to use the Grape Data Tool to create charts depicting the what share of the...
Using the Grape Data Tool to Assess Market Share by Region
Now and again, it's useful to try to take big picture views of our industry. One thing I like to look at is the way market share shifts...

Half of all Napa vineyards may be Cabernet Sauvignon by 2025.
Since 1994, Cabernet Sauvignon's share of Napa vineyard land has increased by roughly 50%. Other red Bordelais varieties have, as a...
First update of the Grape Data Tool
The nice folks at USDA-NASS took a bit longer than usual, but they finally got the Acreage Report up on Friday. For me, that heralds a...

Two Graphic Summaries of the Wine Biz
I've been putting together some charts and graphs for some projects and I just wanted to share two of them with the rest of the industry....
A tool so you can easily and quickly look up acreage data by variety and geography
I made a tool on Excel that allows the user to rapidly retrieve acreage data by inputting the variety and region. As readers of this...