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About Vineyard Financial Associates

VFA's goal is to bring the tools that the largest wine companies use to the small- and medium-sized businesses in the wine industry.  The big guys' decisions are informed by efficient collection and use of data and professional analysis.  These same advantages can, and should, be brought to the independent wine business at a reasonable cost.  Contact Gabriel for an informal, free consultation of what VFA can do for you.
Financial and Business Consulting for Vineyards
Gabriel Froymovich
Founder and Workforce

In 2013, I found myself located in the middle of a vineyard I was managing as part of a turnaround project.  I was splitting my time between the vineyard and the UC Davis MBA program.  Since I had taken over, yields had increased by two and a half times, revenue was up by three and a half times, profits had increased ninefold and asset value had doubled.  Along the way, I'd seen many of my neighbors struggle to pay their vendors and their banks.  Meanwhile, nearly every public wine company was doing great.  The problem was not that these vineyard owners were bad managers of their people or their vines.  They were certainly putting all of their sweat and hearts into their vineyards.

They just could not afford the same tools as the large companies.  They bought vineyards at the top of the market.  They left money on the table when negotiating contracts.  They didn't have the time or personnel for the financial analysis necessary to support profitable operations.  Simply put, they, unlike the big guys, couldn't just pick up the phone and get an analyst or specialist to give them the information they need to make optimal decisions for their future.  

That is why I started Vineyard Financial Associates.  I've worked with financiers to evaluate both equity and debt investments in vineyards and with small family businesses as an outside adviser.  My passion is the quantitative analysis of the wine industry.  That is why I strive to be the industry's leading forecaster - and the only wine industry member of the International Society of Forecasters.

My research on the wine industry has been published in the Practical Winery and Vineyard Journal, and Wine and Vines and featured in Lewis Perdue's Wine Industry Insight and Wine Industry Network.    I have presented at various grower organizations, the California Association of Wine Growers, the Vineyard Economics Seminar and the Wine Industry Financials Symposium.  Media outlets as varied as Wine Business Monthly and NPR rely on VFA for expert analysis.

Learn More About Gabriel Froymovich's Qualifications and Past Projects>>>

Vineyard regulations and compliance
Mission Statement

My goal is to guide my clients toward greater financial success, using quantitative, data-driven methods and implementing effective systems to help even the playing field between them and the huge wine companies that have whole divisions dedicated to analysis, planning and compliance.


Contact Vineyard Financial Associates >>>

"Before Gabriel became involved, our client's vineyard was in the red.  With his advice, we were able to realize the value we always thought the vineyard could yield."  

-Mark Serlin, attorney, Serlin & Whiteford


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